Since couple of weeks, I have been noticing an elderly man who is doing the possible bit to help the people / society at the area where I live.
Early morning everyone is out on the streets with their bikes and cars and the roads at my area are "jam-packed" (is not the word) and flooded with traffic. People with out any road-sense barge-in from all the possible places and create a traffic jam and due to this all the vehicles comes to a stand still.
Surprisingly I find an elderly man, wearing a track suit, white hand gloves, a whistle around his neck is busily mangaging and controlling the traffic like a traffic police man.
Early morning everyone is out on the streets with their bikes and cars and the roads at my area are "jam-packed" (is not the word) and flooded with traffic. People with out any road-sense barge-in from all the possible places and create a traffic jam and due to this all the vehicles comes to a stand still.
Surprisingly I find an elderly man, wearing a track suit, white hand gloves, a whistle around his neck is busily mangaging and controlling the traffic like a traffic police man.
I was so very surprised and glad seeing the elderly man performing social service to help people travel smoothly in their vehicles with out much trouble. I saw him and thanked for his service while i was driving from home to office. I also thought that we call can and must contribute ourselves to the society and help. There are plenty of tasks that we can do to the society.
This elderly man indeed has taught me a lesson in my life. My due respects to him.

This elderly man indeed has taught me a lesson in my life. My due respects to him.

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